Documents for Robert Wilkinson 1884-1966
Age Year Date Type Who Notes Images
0 1884 Jun 30 Birth Robert Wilkinson

24 Hedley Hill, Hedley Hope (11 mi from Croxdale); William Wilkinson, coal miner; Elizabeth Fenwick

6 yrs 1891 Apr 5 Census Robert Wilkinson

162 Park Terrace, Tow Law (11 mi from Croxdale); William 43; Elizabeth 39; Robert 6; John James 9; Charles Edward 14; Emily 18

16 yrs 1901 Mar 31 Census Robert Wilkinson

30 Helm Park Terrace in Thornley Village ; William 53, coal miner; Elizabeth 49; Robert 16, shopkeeper (grocer)

24 yrs 1908 Nov 6 Passenger List Robert Wilkinson

Bob Wilkinson goes to Colorado:

S S Corsican from Liverpool to Quebec arv Nov 14. 24 yrs old, married, grocer (crossed out) clerk. Last residence: Durham, Stradon (?) House, Darlington Road; final destination: Colorado, Lafayette ; Having a ticket to final destination: Denver; fare paid by: Father; money possesed: $22; ever before in US: no; relative or friend going to join: brother C. [maybe J.] Wilkinson, Box (?) 129 Lafayette Colliery; id marks: blind in right eye; born: Durham, England

25 yrs 1910 May 6 Census Robert Wilkinson

Bob Wilkinson and family living in Washington State:

Bear [burr] Hill Boulevard; Wash state, Pierce County, Wilkeson precinct; Robert, 28, arv 1908, coal miner, worked 24 wks; Katherine, 30; John F & William H 1 8/12, arv 1909; married 5 yrs; 3 births, 2 living; renting

29 yrs 1914 Apr 21 Border Crossing Robert Wilkinson

Bob Wilkinson and family re-enter the US:

Applying for admission to US from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Entered at Noyes, Minnesota . Robert, Catherine, John Fenwick, William Huxley. Last permanent addr: 774 Simcoe Street, Winnipeg . Robert: grocery clerk, nearest relative or friend in country of origin: father/father-in-law/grandfather William 50 Davy Street, Ferry Hill, Durham . Final destination: Canton, Ohio. Have ticket to Canton?: no. Passage paid by self. Amount of cash in possession: $170. Previously in US: Robert in Canton, departed US in Jun 1911; Catherine in Wilkeson, WA, departed US October 1910. Going to join: Friend: ?Nulia? Wharton, 1406 Garfield Ave, Canton . Marks of ID Robert: partial blindness right eye. Seaport of landing for Robert: New York, June 10, 1911 on SS Megantic; for Catherine: Halifax, February 15, 1912 on SS Tunisian

55 yrs 1940 Apr 3 Census Robert Watkins

At 220 Mulberry St, Buffalo ; $22/month rent; Robert Wilkinson 55, head; Martha 49, wife; Frank 8, son; Robert Watkins 27, lodger; highest school grade completed: RW & Martha: 8, Frank: 1, Robert: H-1; where resided in 1935: "same house" for all. Worked during last week in March? Martha yes 40 hrs, RW and Robert no. Number of weeks unemployed through end of March: RW 152, Robert 16. Occupation: RW paper hanger, own business; Martha waitress in cafeteria; Robert radio, radio service. Number of weeks worked in 1939, amount earned: RW 24 wks, $500; Martha 52 wks $780; Robert 14 weeks $400.

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