Documents for Martha Warburton 1891-1970
Age Year Date Type Who Notes Images
2 mons 1891 Apr 5 Census Martha Warburton

110 Croxdale Colliery ; 4 rm house; Randolph 26, coal miner, Mary A 25, Martha 2 mos

10 yrs 1901 Mar 31 Census Martha Warburton

17 Albert Terrace; Randolph 38, Mary A. 37, Martha 10, Ethel 2.

20 yrs 1911 Apr 2 Census Martha Warburton

Living with Aunt and Uncle A. A. and Margaret James.

20 yrs 1911 Sep 13 Marriage Martha Warburton

William: 4 Station Terrace, Croxdale, Sunderland Bridge; Martha: 8 Norman Terrace, Pittington. Copy created May 3, 1939.

30 yrs 1921 Sep 24 Passenger List Robert Watkins

SS Carmania leaving Liverpool for Halifax, 3rd class.

Last address in UK: Hamilton Row, Waterhouses . Miner, housewife, scholar. 32, 30, and 9. Ticket # 49084

31 yrs 1922 Feb 15 Arrival Cards Martha Warburton

Last permanent address: Joggins Mines, NS; Destination and name and address of relative or friend to join there: Canton OH (Cousin) Robert Wilkinson 2348 16th Street; Seaport and date of landing and name of steamship: Halifax Oct 4, 1921 S/S Carmania

31 yrs 1922 Feb 15 Alien Transit Robert Watkins

Aliens travelling through Canada on Grand Trunk Railroad

37 yrs 1928 Mar 21 Naturalization Martha Warburton

Last name Watkin, not Watkins; 1444 Vine Ave SW; Stamp on reverse: Passport issued Mar 30, 1928

37 yrs 1928 May 30 Passenger List Robert Watkins

Arv Liverpool May 30 via NY & Boston; White Star Line Celtic; Passengers: Martha, housewife & Robert Watkin, student; 3rd class; proposed addr in UK: 16 George St, Sherburn, Durham, probably Martha's parents' house.

37 yrs 1928 Oct 9 Passenger List Robert Watkins

Martha and Robert Watkins arriving at NY, 10 days after leaving Liverpool. Martha naturalized at Court of Common Pleas Stark County, Canton Ohio March 21st 1928, Robert "by parentage". Address in US 444 Vine Ave. S.W. Canton Ohio (about 2 miles from the Timken plant)

39 yrs 1930 Apr 4 Census Robert Watkins

Watkins now, not Watkin; 206 Dartmouth Ave SW ; home rented, $45/mo, have radio set; ages 41, 39, 17; Machinist at Roller Bearing Factory; veteran of W.W. Also William P. James, roomer: british citizen, 46 years old, married at 23, arrived in US 1929, carpenter for building contractor.

42 yrs 1933 Oct 20 Divorce William Watkin

This copy was created in Nov 1961. Who requested it? Was in Delores's safe deposit box. William is the plaintiff.

49 yrs 1940 Apr 3 Census Robert Watkins

At 220 Mulberry St, Buffalo ; $22/month rent; Robert Wilkinson 55, head; Martha 49, wife; Frank 8, son; Robert Watkins 27, lodger; highest school grade completed: RW & Martha: 8, Frank: 1, Robert: H-1; where resided in 1935: "same house" for all. Worked during last week in March? Martha yes 40 hrs, RW and Robert no. Number of weeks unemployed through end of March: RW 152, Robert 16. Occupation: RW paper hanger, own business; Martha waitress in cafeteria; Robert radio, radio service. Number of weeks worked in 1939, amount earned: RW 24 wks, $500; Martha 52 wks $780; Robert 14 weeks $400.

79 yrs 1970 Jun 1 Death Martha Warburton

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